Providing the best grass, rich in protein & essential vitamins to feed your animals.

A unique cut grass of its kind with the highest amount of protein up to (19.10%), with a unique growth of 2 cm per night, which is impossible for any other type of plant, in addition to containing the essential nutrients that all animals should be ingesting daily.

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Why grow Maralfalfa?

Rich in vitamins

It containsĀ up to 19.10% protein. This makes it the richest grass in protein and vitamins.

Fast Growing

Growth of up to 2cm per night, Which makes Maralfalfa the fastest growing grass.


Beneficial for the environment. It does not need chemicals to develop. The organic fertilizer is more than enough for the Maralfalfa to develop.


It’s great for animals. When cattle have been stabled and fed with Maralfalfa, they can gain up to 1.2 kg per day.

Because of its high protein content, it is the best grass for animal feed and the most complete, which causes the animals’ weight and productivity to increase more. Its ability to grow at a rate of up to 2 cm every night places it in the top position to address animal food shortage issues by providing more grass in a smaller area, thereby increasing the return on your investment.

Since Maralfalfa grows naturally and quickly, it only needs organic fertiliser. Maralfalfa is a perfectly natural plant that does not require particular care. Thus, when you grow this plant, you permanently lower the costs associated with your animals’ nourishment.

There is only one planting of this perennial Maralfalfa grass.

We provide the best grass, rich in protein & essential vitamins to feed your animals.

We provide the best grass, rich in protein & essential vitamins to feed your animals. Ensuring that they have the food they need and modernizing the way of maintaining and developing livestock.

Get more out of your space by replacing size with efficiency.

A solution at the level of competitiveness that today’s change and advancement of technology demands, among other benefits.

With the use of Maralfalfa in your feeding program your livestock daily weight gain will increase and your over all cost of production will decrease.

What is Maralfalfa?

Maralfalfa can grow as tall as 12 feet in height, a hardy plant and tolerant to hot summer conditions, in addition to its high dense foliage development it also has a high protein content. The plant has a high resistance to heat and flooding. With the use of Maralfalfa in your feeding program your livestock daily weight gain will increase and your over all cost of production will decrease.


Excellent feed for cattle, horse, goat and sheep. Maralfalfa is not recommended for grazing. It is best used with the cut and carry system where the stem/leaves are cut/grind and taken to the livestock directly or mixed with other forages to achieve the necessary daily nutrient requirements. Maralfalfa is best when harvested at 6 months after establishment to obtain the maximum nutrient for your livestock.


Maralfalfa is usually established from stem cuttings that strike roots easily. Cuttings 1 cm in diameter, 8 inches long and with at least 2 buds are most effective for root formation (95% of cuttings). Cuttings should be selected from the basal part of mature stems. Germination rate has been improved by storing cuttings in a shaded place for one day prior to planting. Cuttings produce shoots in about one week after planting. Recommended spacing is 5ft between rows and 3ft between plants.

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At Smaralfalfa Progreso we don't do business, we make friends. Your success is part of our success.

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